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Thnot d’Or 2025: the machine is launched

Publish date: 10 February 2025 / Agriculture / Author : ATH Sokren

The campaign to promote Thnot d'Or Awards 2025 among students in agronomy and food processing was carried out by the Kinal Foundation in January. "Innovative transformation of mango-based products and technical studies on the production chain for the market" is the theme chosen for this new edition of the competition, the aim of which is to encourage the spirit of research and innovation of the students so that they fully contribute to rural development and the country's food independence.

This campaign took place in ten advanced education institutions in Phnom Penh and provinces. From January 20 to 27, 2025, the Kinal Foundation team visited the Royal University of Agriculture, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, the National Institute of Agriculture, the Royal University of Phnom Penh, as well as institutions such as the Saint-Paul Institute, the Kampong Speu Institute of Technology, and the International University in Phnom Penh. Nearly 800 students came to learn about the modalities of the Thnot d'Or. The Kampong Chheu Teal Institute of Technology particularly encouraged its students to take part in this competition, specifying that their research projects could be considered as end-of-year theses.